Fachbereich 9

School of Business Administration and Economics

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01. July 2021 : Participation in Remote Leadership Study

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of employees who regularly work virtually (e.g. from their home office) has (forced to)...

28. June 2021 : Presentation at the (virtual) WEAI conference

Julia Müller presented today her research project "Rendering Consumer Behaviour More Sustainable", together with Dominik Hüttemann and Thorsten...

15. June 2021 : Participation in the EURAM Doctoral Colloquium as a mentor

The European Academy of Management (EURAM) is an academic society that aims to advance the academic discipline of management in Europe. The EURAM...

15. June 2021 : Participation in LinkedIn study

To better understand how personality traits relate to LinkedIn profiles and how judgments are made based on LinkedIn profiles, the Department of...

12. June 2021 : Participation in compensated online group interaction study

In order to investigate the understanding of people's behavior in online groups in different roles and situations and how this behavior is perceived...

11. June 2021 : New practice cooperation of the department of business management

Prof. Dr. Julia Müller is cooperating with Miele & Cie. KG. In the future we will also offer e.g. internships at Miele & Cie. KG or theses in...

03. June 2021 : Doctoral Colloquium at the Department of Business Administration/Corporate Management

Today, another lecture took place in the internal doctoral colloquium of the Department of Business Administration/Corporate Management. Our PhD...

27. May 2021 : Doctoral Colloquium at the Department of Business Administration/Corporate Management

Today, another presentation took place in the internal doctoral colloquium of the Business Administration/Corporate Management department. Our PhD...

12. May 2021 : Prof. Dr. Julia Müller is the new internationalization representative of the Department of Economics (FB09)

By the current decision of the dean's office, Prof. Dr. Julia Müller has been appointed as the new Internationalization representative of the...

07. May 2021 : AKempor Annual Conference 2021

On May 6 and 7, our PhD student Dominik Hüttemann participated in this year's AKempor Annual Conference 2021, which was held digitally and focused on...

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