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[Master] Project Seminar Economics [Prof. Westermann]

course number



WiSe 2024/25



The master students should acquire competences in the conception of an applied investigation. To this end, they will prepare an independent scientific analysis of an issue relevant to economic policy. Using a specially researched data set and econometric methods, a falsifiable economic hypothesis is tested.
The topics and dates of the courses will be announced in Stud-IP in due time. In addition to the respective introductory event, in which content-related and organizational questions are clarified, participation in the event "Introduction to Scientific Work" offered by the department is strongly recommended. Information on writing a seminar paper is also uploaded regularly in Stud-IP.
For more information, please refer to the Module Handbook of the Department of Economics on the pages of the Examinations Office.

additional information

location: 22/107
times: Mon.. 16:00 - 18:00 (weekly)
first term: Monday, 28.10.2024 16:00 - 18:00, Room: 22/107
course type: Projektseminar (Offizielle Lehrveranstaltungen)

fields of study

  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften > M.Sc. Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Akkreditierung 2022) > Seminare
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften > M.Sc. Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Akkreditierung 2022) > Volkswirtschaftslehre und Methoden
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Wirtschaftswissenschaften für Studierende anderer Fachbereiche > Veranstaltungen für den Fachbereich 06 > Master Anwendungsfach VWL - generalistische Ausrichtung
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften > M.Sc. Economics (Akkreditierung 2014) > Projektseminare
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften > M.Sc. Economics (Akkreditierung 2014) > Economics
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften > M.Sc. Economics (Akkreditierung 2014) > Empirischer Schwerpunkt
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften > M.Sc. Economics (Accreditation 2022) > Volkswirtschaftslehre und Methoden (Economics and Methods) > Seminare (seminars)
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Courses in English
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften > M.Sc. Economics (Accreditation 2022) > Schwerpunkte (Specializations) > Empirical Economics
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften > M.Sc. Economics (Accreditation 2022) > Schwerpunkte (Specializations) > Sustainability, Behavior and Environmental Policy
  • Business Administration and Economics


  • Master of Science Betriebswirtschaftslehre > WIWI-02200 - Project Seminar in Economics
  • Master of Science Economics > WIWI-02200 - Project Seminar in Economics
  • Master of Science Betriebswirtschaftslehre > WIWI-M-02S01-EC - Economics Project Seminar
  • Master of Science Economics > WIWI-M-02S01-EC - Economics Project Seminar