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Decision Theory


  • Course for Bachelor-Students, taught by Prof. Gillenkirch and student tutors
  • The Course relates to the compulsory module WIWI-B-01004-MA Entscheidungstheorie.


  • Decision theory and economics
  • Description of decision problems
  • Multi-criteria decisions making
  • Decision making under uncertainty: Basics
  • Expected utility theory
  • Descriptive decision theory
  • Normative and descriptive theories of information processing


  • 60 minutes written exam
  • First exam immediately after the end of the lecture period,
    second exam before the beginning of the lecture period of the following semester
  • Passing the exam will give you 5 credit points (ECTS) for the Module WIWI-B-01004-MA Entscheidungstheorie

Lecture and Exercise

  • 2 hours per week lecture (Prof. Gillenkirch) and 2 hours per week tutorial exercises (student tutors)
  • In the tutorials, solutions to exercises are derived and discussed in small groups.


  • You will find a set of slides for the lecture in Stud.IP.
  • The Textbook for the lecture is Laux/Gillenkirch/Schenk-Mathes, Entscheidungstheorie, latest edition.


  • Please address questions about contents and examination to: Katharina Glania
  • Please address general questions (course times and rooms, where to find information, etc.) to: Monika Schramm